
CRS Ribbon Optimization



I suggested implementing a quick card sort for CRS researchers to give feedback about how they would most like to see the ribbon organized in their authoring environment. The card sort would be done with Optimal Workshop and disseminated digitally for CRS members to opt in to give feedback.



I worked with CRS representatives to establish user needs, then sketched wireframes. Due to project constraints the designs were not implemented. But later, the designs were reviewed and updated based on feedback from a project committee and the CRS Product Owner.



I enjoy working with Optimal Workshop to conduct remote card sorts. I found it was useful to include copy about what a cardsort is and how the information gathered in a cardsort can be used to optimize organization and layout. It is also important to be very clear in the instructions you write for an online cardsort since you aren’t physically present to answer questions.


 Current State CRS authoring ribbon

The CRS currently uses a customized ribbon in Microsoft Word to help write their reports

Tables and Figures formatting in Word

Tables and Figures formatting in Word

Formatting and Tools in Word

Formatting and Tools in Word


Methode Authoring Ribbon

Methode Ribbon Edit Tab - Before and After

Methode Ribbon Edit Tab - Before and After


The Cardsort

Below are some screenshots from the cardsort we put together on Optimal Workshop