The Gastro Girl project was a quick 10-day turn around for website design meet a deadline for a startup development program. This included spending time narrowing down functionality to be included in an MVP and anticipating what additional functionality will be developed in future iterations of the website as the business expands. This work was done in 2015.
After spending time with the primary stakeholder and learning about the contents of the website, preliminary information architecture was done before receiving a round of feedback on items like the sitemap and general layout. Then deliverables were prepared, including sitemap and wireframes for the homepage and each of the core page types, and a full set of wireframes with annotated functional specifications.
This was my first real freelance experience. I learned a lot about project scope and working as a freelancer in general.
I enjoyed being part of a project that had the potential to be helpful to people and especially applying empathy to understand the issues people struggle with when looking for care and treatment for gastro-intentional problems.
Paper Sketches
Below are some images I took of paper based wireframes I made during the iterative design process
Functional Specifications
Final Website
Below (right) is a screencapture of the website after it went live sometime around 2016. Left is the wireframe of the homepage I created.